Did you wipe your dog's butt today?Free sampleWhy not?ALL IN ONE:Sanitary paper&Dog waste bagSAVE 25%WITH A SUBSCRIPTION**compared to single purchases
The All-In-One Solution
The toilet paper for dogs
A dog poop bag with hygiene paper
With dogpaper, a routine and conscious handling of pet excretions is to be established. As a walker, you have long got used to collecting dog poo. You bring the necessary poop bags and participation with you anyway. Our approach is now to improve these existing mechanisms in such a way that the everyday poo collecting results in a long-lasting and preventive cleaning, from which animals and humans benefit.
As usual before collecting the dog's heap, the hand is put into the bag. But before the dog excrement is taken care of, the paper should be used to remove excrement residues from the animal's bottom.
The paper can now be wiped over the dog's anus like a washcloth. In the case of heavier soiling or diarrhea, it is advantageous to use the paper on both sides.
The poo can then be picked up as usual. Thanks to the paper, dogpaper can pick up more residue from the floor than ordinary plastic dog waste bags.
The used bags can - like all other poop bags - be disposed of in the residual waste. The paper bag can also be turned inside out and flushed into a toilet along with the contained faeces or thrown into the organic waste. This means that the plastic bag can be disposed of in the material cycle for plastic and thus recycled. This waste separation is not possible with conventional manure bags.
Not convinced yet?
5 reasons to wipe
#1 Toilet hygiene is not a taboo
Toilet paper is an everyday item for all of us. We help household members who cannot wipe their own butt with diaper changes and wet wipes – but why not our dogs too? Just like us, they sit on their butts and can leave behind dirt and sources of illness. Dog owners know the problem all too well:
I now have no choice but to clean my dog's bottom every evening like a toddler.

#2 (In)visible feces get into the living space
Dung residue in the fur around the anus makes dogs involuntarily transporters of dirt and pathogens. Roundworms are a particular danger because their eggs can hardly be seen with the naked eye.
Dogs become infected with roundworms by swallowing the eggs in soil where other dogs have defecated. Infected female dogs pass on roundworms to their puppies. Roundworm eggs hatch in the dog’s intestine, migrate through the liver and lungs and return to mature in the intestine. The adult roundworm lays eggs which are passed on to the soil, thus completing the life cycle. If humans ingest the eggs, they hatch in the intestine and migrate to other body tissue like lungs, liver, and spinal cord. The larvae can even attack the retinas in the eye.

#3 Dog feces contain up to 23 million bacteria*
* A single gram of dog feces contains about 23 million fecal coliform bacteria
Pet wastes can transmit bacteria and viruses including tapeworm, roundworm, E. coli, Parvo, and more. Humans who come into contact with dog waste could contract campylobacteriosis, salmonellosis, and toxocarisis, which may cause abdominal cramps, fever, coughing or wheezing, hives, and possibly permanent vision damage.

#4 Health risk from pathogens
A dirty anus can lead to inflammation – such as of the anal glands – and intestinal diseases in dogs. This results in suffering for the animal and costs for owners. Sniffing the dirty anus of other dogs, for example, can lead to a worm infestation, the treatment of which has numerous side effects for our four-legged friends. Many other diseases that occur, such as anal fistulas or anal gland inflammation, mean a lot of pain for the animal and high costs for the dog owner in the course and treatment.
[...] via fistula cautery, cryosurgery to radical excision of the changed tissue, e.g. Sometimes followed by the partial amputation of the rod (!), Everything possible and impossible has already been tried and propagated, speaks for the lack of an etiologically justified and reliably effective treatment so far.
It is inevitable that your dog's intestinal flora will be affected with every dose of the deworming agent. The long-term health effects of a deworming treatment administered regularly over decades cannot be foreseen as long as the pharmaceutical industry does not conduct long-term studies on it.

#5 Missing all-in-one product
With dogpaper, poop bags and cleaning material become a single, compact product. Until now, if you wanted to clean the dog’s bottom, you’d have to take additional materials such as handkerchiefs with you or wash the animal daily:
Every now and then I clean Fiete's buttocks with wet wipes
I check on his butt after every walk and if necessary I wash him

These are the advantages of dogpaper
what we offer
Skin and coat friendly
dogpaper is free from perfume or other additives
Reduce costs and visits to veterinarians
The regular use of dogpaper prevents diseases of your dog's intestines and anus and can, for example, make worming preventable
The pack fits in jacket and trouser pockets and, thanks to the combination with poop bags, does not create any additional ballast
Including dog waste bag
Dogpaper is not an additional product, but an improvement on the well-known dog waste bags. Thus, disposable gloves and other items become redundant
25% off for subscriptions
Compared to individual purchases, a subscription always saves a quarter of the price
dogpaper takes on the problem without shame. The logical consequence is that we also clean the bottom of our "man's best friend"
For animals - without animal ingredients

Worldwide delivery
Easy and uncomplicated ordering via our online shop
Manufacturing and shipping from a single source
Product development, production and mail processing are managed centrally by dogpaper. This way, the shortest routes for transport and communication can be guaranteed
Easy to use
Wipe the bottom, collect and dispose of poop
Guaranteed no contact with the faeces
The plastic bag protects the hand from contact, the paper bag offers an additional, highly absorbent layer
Usable on both sides
Thanks to the paper bag, the paper can be used on both sides
As common with toilet paper, we use multilayer paper
Fluffy & soft
Particularly gentle on fur and skin
This is what our customers say
Anfangs noch ungewohnt, aber mit der zeit gwöhnt man sich (und auch der Hund) daran

Praktisch, wenn man es zur Hand hat. Gerade nach einem Ausflug muss man sich keine Sorgen um beschmutzte Autositze oder so machen.

„Mein Hund hat selten sichtbare Rückstände am Po, aber wer weiß was man da übersieht“

Easy to use and fits in every pocket!

Any questions? Others wanted to know:

In short, with dogpaper, hygiene can be maximized and the risk of illness minimized. You can find a detailed list of the advantages here on the website.
Many dogs are reluctant to be touched in certain places. If your dog reacts negatively to the butt wiping, try to calm him down and reward him with treats or pats afterwards, so that he can see that it is nothing bad. You can find more tips and application notes on our social media channels.
For the production of dogpaper, we opted for a soft, multi-layered paper that is also used for ordinary toilet paper. Our product should not only improve the hygiene and standard of living for animals and humans, but should also be pleasant to use.
Thanks to the paper bag, the dog waste can be disposed of separately from the plastic. This means that you can put the plastic bag into the recycling cycle and dispose of the paper bag with its excrement in the residual waste or even in a toilet.
With the test package you can order some variants of the product and test them out. You only have to pay the shipping costs - the product is free.
Further product variants that will be tailored to the different needs of users are in progress. We are always open to your suggestions and want to improve dogpaper together with you.
The product will be sold on our own website, but will also be offered by retailers. You can find our partners here on the website.
You can easily use the usual payment methods such as PayPal, credit card and direct debit. You can find more information at Payment / Delivery
In the event that your supply runs out before the new subscription box arrives, you can buy single packs of dogpaper from retailers and adjust your subscription so that you will always get the right amount delivered in the future.
What are you waiting for?
For the spontaneous and curious
If you run out of supplies, need a quick replenishment on the go or discover dog paper on the shelf for the first time – practical individual packs are available in selected shops.
Play it safe
Are you convinced and want to make sure that hygiene and health are guaranteed? With our freely selectable subscription, you can determine yourself how often dogpaper is delivered directly to your door and always save 25% compared to individual purchases.
Just try out which variant and amount is ideal for you and your four-legged friend. Here we offer you the opportunity to extensively test the product before taking out a subscription.